Monday, December 27, 2010

A different kind of Christmas~

Greetings -
Let's be honest - here at the Hammons house this year has been a different kind of year all around - from work to floods to a family made via Ethiopia! So why oh why did I expect the holidays to be the same as in the past! As you know Kenneth and I were in Ethiopia for Thanksgiving so Tariku had the chance to stay with Nana and Papa for a week and than it was off to Nana Pat's and Auntie Kristin's! But before he left we were able to fit in a quick trip to ICE at Gaylord Opryland!

Before I could get Tariku off the sugar high that came from Wisconsin we were off again! This time with 2 days notice we were given the most amazing gift by my parents! A 3 day trip to Walt Disney World! To say it was MAGICAL would be an understatement! Tariku loved spending time on the FAST rides and also with his papa and Uncle Josh!

Stay tuned as I share more of our Christmas in Orlando and what Santa brought to Tennessee!

Wishing you a Magical Day~