"If our effort to love only affects ONE person...it is worth it!" -Ivan Zhykhariev, Ukraine Graduate
Giving FAMILY to Evelyn {HONDURAS}
Currently, Evelyn has not been chosen by a sponsor to help support her Christian education and hopeful future. By sponsoring a child like Evelyn, you can be a part of changing a life, letting a child know they matter by bringing joy and purpose to their lives.
Will you help us find Evelyn a sponsor?
Learn more about Child Sponsorship at www.lifesongchildsponsorship.org.
Testimony: More than Money {LIBERIA}
Listen in as Carla Cornell, Liberia Child Sponsor shares on sponsorship...
It can be an opportunity to open our hearts and share the love we so often take for granted with a child who needs it desperately. A child who may never have the same blessings and opportunities that most of us enjoy but with our help, they can have hope and they can know Jesus loves them and has not forgotten them. And we can be blessed beyond measure to be a tiny part of God's plan for them."

Meet a few of our kids waiting for sponsorship....
See all featured kids for the #31kids31days Campaign at lifesongfororphans.org/31kids31days