"We have a new family and a new home and we are now back in school!"
-Famatta, child from New Hope Children's Home
Ebola. The deadly virus that prowled West Africa last year, dominating the news and our newsfeeds. In Liberia alone, taking the lives of over 4,000, and leaving in it's wake sons and daughters to be orphaned and alone.
Meet three of those children: Famatta (14), Olbed (13) and Delight (8), son and
daughters of George and Oretha Kanwah, whose lives were taken by the Ebola
In response to this catastrophe, Lifesong staff in Liberia have established New
Hope Children's Home, a home to not only provide shelter for 10 children
orphaned by the Ebola virus, but also to give caregiver jobs to Ebola
Fametta graciously shares the devastation they have saw and felt, and of the hope that is slowly shining through...
"My father got the virus when a lady in his church was sick and he took her to the
hospital. While at the hospital, the lady died and my father was sprayed with
antiseptic and sent home. The next day he started getting sick and when he got to
work, they told him not to come back. They also put us out of the company house
where we were staying. One week later, my father died in his car and the Ebola
burial team came and carried him to be burned in the
Few days later, our mother got sick and she couldn't eat, but cried all day. She
was taken to the Ebola treatment center. Later, the center called our aunt and said
our mother has died.
My siblings and I were put into quarantine at the treatment center for 21 days.
We did not get the virus, so the health workers took us back to the community,
hoping someone will take us in. No one was willing. We were given a little food
supply and some protective Ebola materials.
We were left alone in the community. Everyone is afraid of us. We were not
allowed to play with other children or go to other people's houses or buy food from
others with money from our hands. I am the oldest, so I tried to watch over my
brother and sister.
But now we are have been taken in by Lifesong's New Hope Children's Home.
We have a new family and a new home and we are now back in