Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Tewdros Joshua -

Greetings -
March is not a slow month in the Hammons House!  Just past Tariku's big day is another miracle - Teddy's birthday!  Today Tewdros "Teddy" Joshua turns 7 - as I write this today I think about the boy I met 2 1/2 years ago 1/2 way around the world.  The boy with no language and only one friend, the boy who trusted 1 person (and it was NOT me) - I think about my conversations with his birth mother - the woman who not only gave him life but would now give him a chance at life.

Today that boy speaks so well in American Sign Language, he has soooo many friends and is loved by so many people.  So today we celebrate his 7th birthday!  We celebrate the 7 years he has been on this planet.  We celebrate with him all things that are blue, and Wii related!  We celebrate his love of soccer and basketball and golf!  His amazing laugh and his love for his papa!

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEDDY! I am blessed and honored to be called your mom

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