Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Letter To Our Marilyn

To our sweet sweet Marilyn ~

We knew the time was coming ~ we knew we would only have you for a year ~ and what a most AMAZING year it has been.  There will never be enough words that this mama could say that would thank you enough for all you did.  You came into our lives and poured your love into the boys every single day. From soccer practice, to basketball, to speech and beyond you were there every step of the way.
Your grace and patience with both of them taught them to be patient
Your smile was something the boys ran to at the end of each school day
Your sign language skills helped me understand my sweet deaf son a bit more every day
Your knowledge as a sibling of a deaf sister helped Tariku understand his place in the world a bit better
Your passion for the LORD gave them a passion to follow

But above all things was and is your LOVE for them and their LOVE for you.  We are so proud of you and your heart for Ethiopia.  We could not of made this past year had you not been a part of it and while my mama heart is sad I know this journey with you does not end just because you move on to UT.  The boys and I will visit often and I am sure we will find a Ethiopian restaurant in Knoxville to share your love of tibs fir fir with Tariku and Teddy.

So as I prepare to fly off to Addis know that I love you and that I cannot wait to see you soon!  I love you to Ethiopia and back sweet girl and remember this quote ~

Joshua 1:9 - “…Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

1 comment:

  1. Courtney,
    My name is Hannah. I am a 2006/2007 CSS missionary alumni. When I was at BBDC, Marilyn was a sweet spunky little girl trying to figure out how her heart's desires, her unique talents and God's kingdom work all merged. She has always had a vivacious spirit and a heart for The Lord. I am grateful that through the use of your family, she had found her place. Se is a dear lady that will always have a special place in my heart ( the entire Mays family is precious to me). As an adoptive mom waiting to bring my children home, I have also really enjoyed the honest and tender approach with which you blog. Thanks for the encouragement.
