Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Home ~ Creating a new normal ~

Greetings ~
The bags are unpacked (well almost), the gifts for friends and family have been shipped or given, the airport hello's have long since faded and life is back to status quo at the Hammons House.  But let's be honest ~ it's a new normal because 5 weeks in East Africa changes a person.

I am not the person I was when I left Tampa back in July ~ sure I look the same and maybe to some even sound the same but inside well inside things are not settled and are not okay.  NO it's not that I want to adopt more children (although I wouldn't rule that out) it's the realization that had there been tools and resources and a support system in place in Addis my sweet Teddy never needed to be adopted.  And that my friends wrestles heavy with my soul.  A dear friend pointed out to me last night that yes Teddy did need to be adopted so that someone (i.e. me) would see the needs and would speak of those and for those that cannot voice them.  And I guess that is true.  So now I sit here in the states prepared to step out on a complete journey of faith so that the other Teddy's of the world have a voice and if by chance they can remain with their birth families than all the better.

Prayers appreciated as this journey begins to unfold and know that I will let you know along the way how you can be a part.  But for now here is a photo of Tariku and his Ethiopian requests!

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