Monday, September 23, 2013

Marvelous Mustache Monday ~

Greetings Friends ~
I hope that you had a super awesome weekend!  We here at the Hammons house were busy bees with soccer, and mama working and our ever fabulous Marilyn home for a visit from UT.

This week is spirit week at the boys school.  And of course our fabulous PTO has put together a different dress code for each day.  Now with my limited knowledge I know that my 2 Ethiopian boys are very black and white not sure how spirit week goes in other homes but - get out of the norm and it get's questionable so I was thrilled to see that this week we really will only have 2 days that will require ALOT of explaining behind these crazy American traditions.  Fortunately today was NOT one of them.  The boys went out with their dad last night while I was at bible study to pick out their mustaches for today.  Who knew mustaches came in blue and yellow! So from Tariku and Teddy they wish you a Marvelous Mustache Monday!

Tomorrow is Tie Tuesday!  

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